
We were united by the desire to create a family engineering company. Today we are expanding to foreign markets.

Our story began in August 2017. We founded the company under the name Tradepoint group in a small office without internet, with one refurbished computer and a coffee machine from mother, which we received as an investment. Today we remember our beginnings, all the pitfalls, bureaucracy and building an engineering company on a "green field" from scratch and with our own savings.









Fairness as a basis for cooperation

Without consistency, care and fairness, our business would not be where it is today. We were united not only by friendship but mainly by optimism and unceasing passion for the cause. We require the same approach from the entire team in our fast-growing company. We opened our first store in the Karlova Ves district of Bratislava, but in March 2023, the time was ripe for us to replace the old premises with new ones. Today, the TPG company occupies an area of ​​1000 m2 and is constantly growing.

A perfect combination of prudence and temperament

After studying at the Comenius University, Rado worked in foreign corporations, but this job was boring for him and he was looking for an alternative. From the beginning, Rado was in charge of internal processes, orders, communication with foreign suppliers, and later he was also responsible for ensuring the smooth operation of the store and e-shop.

Andrej has an engineering degree from the University of Žilina and a bachelor's degree in engineering from the Technische Universität Dresden, where, among other things, he gained valuable knowledge and experience in the field of hydraulics and pneumatics. Thanks to his acquired knowledge and temperament, Andrej takes care of the growth and development of TPG, secures and manages several large contracts with key clients, optimizes internal processes and increases the efficiency of production and maintenance.

"2024" year of changes

In 2024, we opened a service center and expanded our services to hydraulic service and production. From the beginning, we focused mainly on sales and services connected with the technical security of industrial production. By gradually deepening relations with customers and natural development, we gradually expanded our activity and currently I specialize in technical expertise in the field of hydraulic, pneumatic, lubricating and industrial fluids.

The TPG team is made up of professionals with more than 30 years of experience working with pressure equipment and dealing with the power that the word defines every day. The company has come a long way, which has helped us gain a lot of experience, and today we offer our customers flexibility, control, stability and security. Hydraulics is extremely demanding in terms of precision, cleanliness and tightness. Unprofessional repairs result in loss of performance, service life, quality, time and your money.

We pass on our experience to students

We are one team and one family. Our condition when establishing the company was that our employees feel comfortable at work and feel that their opinion is as important as the opinion of the owners. We try to lead our team with respect and not with orders. We try to inspire them and connect their values ​​with the company's values.

A person is not born a machinist, it requires a considerable amount of knowledge and experience, which he needs to acquire already during his studies. This is also why the company decided to give the opportunity to young people, whom we allow to work in a team as part of practice, so that they can later more easily establish themselves on the labor market - ideally right here at TPG.

Why did TPG decide to expand into foreign markets?

From the beginning, we coined a business theory in which feedback from real customers will be important. In addition to feedback, flexibility was and is always important for us, not only towards customers, when we try to find a consensus, but also towards the inside of the company and investing in our team.

In the beginning, a few orders during the month were a success for us. Later, when orders increased and TPG recorded its rapid growth, we hired the first employees. The goal was that growth was never at the expense of customers who relied on us. In 2022, the first demand from abroad came and it started thinking about expanding abroad. In 2023, we decided that TPG will expand abroad. We created an English version of the e-shop and new orders from foreign partners began to increase.

By expanding and expanding our warehouses, we want to ensure that we can respond even faster to inquiries from our customers. We apply automatic stock replenishment. Our warehouse will be connected non-stop to the distribution centers and production plants of our suppliers/manufacturers and thus we will ensure smooth deliveries.

The long-term goal is to continue to expand TPG's market presence and reputation as a reliable and trusted partner for mechanical components and services.
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